Studio visits

acrylic paintings, art, contemporary, contemporary art, contemporary painting, female artist, feminist art, figurative art, Figurative art on canvas, portraits of women, studio visit, watercolor

It’s always surprising who comes to visit my studio and buys one, two, or more paintings all at once. The most satisfying sales are of paintings I toiled over, off and on, through the years, adding images, rubbing out the images, piling on paint and scraping off the paint. (Paper towels and Isopropyl are a must.)

Then there are the intrepid explorers who venture out to my garden house and patiently pick through all the dozens of paintings I’ve stored there. A lot of those paintings I would call “iffy.” With numbers, scribbles, and secretive messages only a skilled detective can decipher. Thankfully, I’ve had many intrepid explorers coming this year. I’ve posted a few samples here.

And lastly, a journalist from the Daily Freeman happened by one morning, and here I am on the front page of that newspaper with my good friend Elizabeth Shafer (right). Elizabeth, a multitalented, multimedia artist extraordinaire. 

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